Master the essential thinking and essay writing skills that you should know before leaving high school (but which you will never be taught in high school)!

Learn new concepts and strategies for teaching your students how to think critically and write persuasively. It's not in the curriculum, but it's vital for success in school and in life!

"I tell everyone that critical thinking skills have been around for 2500 years, but for some reason it's never made it all the way down into the general population. Kevin's work at the Critical Thinker Academy is the bridge between the rigor of academia and the daily needs of us people out here who want to tame the complexity of the world we live in. We need this."
- Mark Halvorson
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"The way that Kevin delivers the material is digestible, interesting, thought provoking and thorough. He manages to fit so much thoughtful material into a mere 6 minutes, in such an effortless and comprehensive way. The curriculum is great for a beginner like me, because he breaks it down into manageable bite size pieces, in a way that honours the natural intelligence of a person."
- Sharon Allen