Critical Thinking: What It Is and Why It's Important
Learn why critical thinking skills are important and why they can be so difficult to obtain.
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NOTE: You can enroll in this course for free, but it is also included in the site-wide bundle which unlocks every course in the Academy.
What Will I Learn in This Course?
In this course you'll learn:
- why critical thinking skills are so valuable in personal life and in business, and yet are so rare.
- about the various skills and aptitudes that distinguish good critical thinkers - what I call the Five Pillars of Critical Thinking
- about cognitive biases, human (ir)rationality, and the psychology of belief and judgment, and why this is so important for critical thinking
- a new perspective on the nature of science and scientific reasoning
- a broader framework that will help you decide where to go with your critical thinking education and what to study next!
What Do I Get With This Course?
At the Critical Thinker Academy we believe in giving students a range of options for consuming content (audio, video and text).
When you enroll in this course you get
- 12 video lectures, totaling 2 hours and 41 minutes of viewing time
- Full transcripts for each of the lectures, embedded below the videos
- Discussion comments for each of the lectures, allowing you to ask and respond to questions and comments
- 3 pdf ebooks totaling 88 pages, suitable for printing or viewing online.
Thus, with this course a student has the option to
- watch the video version of each lecture
- listen to the audio from each lecture while reading the text transcript
- download a pdf ebook and read the content on their iPad or tablet device
- print out the pdf and create a hardcopy manual for personal use
Why Critical Thinking is Important
Available in
after you enroll
The Aims and Goals of Critical Thinking
Available in
after you enroll
StartAbout The Videos In This Section
StartWhat Are The Aims of Critical Thinking? (4:39)
PreviewImproving the Quality of Beliefs, Judgments and Decisions (6:38)
PreviewThink Fast! Why Critical Thinkers Need to Pay Attention to Dual-Process Theories of Rationality (3:48)
StartWhat is Critical Thinking For? How to Decide What Goes In Your Critical Thinking Toolbox (8:20)
The Five Pillars of Critical Thinking
Available in
after you enroll
StartPDF Ebook - The Five Pillars of Critical Thinking
Start1. The Five Pillars of Critical Thinking (10:10)
Start2. Logic for Critical Thinkers (15:16)
Start3. Argumentation versus Rhetoric (6:23)
Preview4. Critical Thinking's Dirty Secret: The Importance of Background Knowledge (6:10)
Start5. What Critical Thinkers Can Learn From Good Actors (8:36)